7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Fitness Activities for Students With Disabilities: Inclusive and Adapted Settings
Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Adapted Physical Education
Disordered Eating: Developing a Referral Plan
Had She Known This in High School… Preparation for the Challenges of a "Disordered" College Environment
Should We Agree to Disagree? School Health Education Philosophy
RCB Oral Presentations III
AALR Leisure Today Committee
(Business Meeting) |
CATCHing Them After-School
Celebrating Texas Hiking Trails
Funding Options for Rural Recreation and School Programming
Get Information, Get Inspired, Get In Shape: Melpomene Institute and the Changing World of Women's and Girls' Health and Fitness Advocacy
The State of Women's Intercollegiate Athletics Prior to 1972
Concepts of Must, Demand, Delight in the Sport and Fitness Industry
Fighting Obesity with PE: Activities In & Out of the Classroom
How To Teach Biomechanics To Under-prepared Physical Education Majors
Teaching to State & National Standards Through Sport Education
The Functional Training Pyramids: For Physical Education Students or Athletes
International Dancing Diversity: A Different Perspective
Step Together Step Touch -Teaching Musical Theatre Dance for Non-Dancers
Psychology Free Communications
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Council for School Leadership in Physical Education (CSLPE) Awards Breakfast
(Breakfast) |
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
AAHPERD President's Scholarship
(Business Meeting) |
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
NASPE Board of Directors Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
LTC 520: Character in Coaching Workshop
(Business Meeting) |
SMPRC Reader Training
(Business Meeting) |
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Assessment Steering Committee Training for Project Administrators - Standard 1 Middle and High School
(Business Meeting) |
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certification Exam
(Business Meeting) |
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Zero to Rally in 60 Minutes: An Integrated and Interactive Workshop to Implement Tennis in your P.E. Curriculum
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
District Web Managers Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
AAHE Fellows Committee
(Business Meeting) |
8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Fitness For Life Trainers' Workshop (by invitation)
(Business Meeting) |
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM
If You Build It, They Will Run, Pump, and Move!
Our Favorite Adventure Activities: Activities to Develop Responsibility and Target Diverse Populations
Capturing the Power of Peer Health Education
Organizing and Delivering International Travel/Study Courses and Tours
Teaming Up with Technology: Great Ideas to Get You Moving with Technology
Do Children Burn Calories on Playgrounds?
Gender Equity in 9th Grade Physical Education Classes
Winning Secrets of Successful Coaching
A Conceptual Approach to Assessing Coherency in Teacher Education Programs: Ongoing Formative Assessment that Works
Dealing With Aggressive Behavior in Sport: Establishing and Enforcing a Code of Conduct
Diversity in Sport: Sport in Native American Boarding Schools, and African-American Sport History
Get Down, Boogie!
Less Equipment, Lots of Exercise, and Appropriate Challenge: Creating Safe but Challenging Core Fitness Circuit Programming for High School and Middle School Physical Education
Physical Activity Goal Setting Strategies for K-12 Using Physical Best/FITNESSGRAM
Science-Based Physical Education: Designing Physically Active Problem-Solving Lessons
Using Motor Learning Principles and Functional Movement Patterns in APE with Children with Cerebral Palsy
2005 National Dance Association Scholar/Artist Lecture
Studying the Impact of Gender in Physical Education in 2005
Writing for Publication: The Editors’ Points of View...Helpful Hints and Tips From the Top
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AAALF / AALR Delegate Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
(Business Meeting) |
The Untouchables - Gangster City Tour
(Offsite Program) |
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
AAHPERD 2005/2006 Joint Local Arrangements Committee Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
AAHPERD Certification of Proxies for the Alliance Assembly
(Business Meeting) |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AAHE Board of Directors Orientation
(Business Meeting) |
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
NASPE Grant Conference Planning Committee Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Editorial Board Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
I Want to Play Too: Inclusive Physical Education Activities
Visiting Olympia: Ancient and Modern Programs in Greece
21st Century Up Date: Administrative Principles for Health Education Administrators
Putting Theory into Practice: Teaching to Effectively Impact Student Health Knowledge, Skills, and Behavior
Cooperative Games and Activities Using Inflatable Balls
Family Recreation Activities: Come and Play with Us!
The WEA Back Country Hiker Curriculum
Global Sport - Imperial Practices
Medicine Balls: Let the Games Begin
National Board Certification: What It Is and How State Associations Can Support It
Perceptions of the Black Athlete: A Research Symposium
SPARK Your Programs to Achieve Excellence
Who's to Blame: Legal Liability in Physical Activity and Sport Settings
Using Action Words and Children’s Literature as Stimuli for Creative Movement Experiences
Pedagogy II Free Communications
Special Populations Free Communications
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Distance Learning for Physical Educators: A Tour of NASPE's New Online Course
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
NASPE Board Orientation Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
EMC of AAALF: E.B. Henderson Awards Luncheon
(Luncheon) |
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
IAHPERD Jeopardy - An Academic Contest for Student Members
Racewalking: Eat My Dust!!!
Assessment Made Fun and Easy: Ten Techniques Teachers Can Use for Short Term Assessment
Preschool Health Education Essentials: Meeting Needs of Children Ages 3-6
Designing the Adventure Experience: Voices from the Industry
Playground Safety: Who Takes Responsibility?
Qualitative Perspectives on Adherence to Physical Activity in Previously Sedentary Versus Sedentary Women
A Faith-Based Perspective: Ethics and Sports
A Russian Fitness Approach to Sports and Fitness: The Burdenko Method
College and University Physical Education Professional Response to the National Obesity Epidemic; Strategies to Promote Wellness on Campus
Creating a Positive Learning Environment in Physical Education!
Examining Excellence In Teaching Using StudioCode Analysis Software
Know, Do, Write
Hip-Hop for All
Sociocultural II Free Communications
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
AAHPERD Alliance Assembly Delegate Check-in
(Business Meeting) |
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Is Your Fitness Facility Senior-Friendly?
On Swimming: Thinking About How We Learn
Physical Activity Policy – What is the Government Doing?
Investment for a Healthy Future: K-6 Health Education
Multiple Intelligence and Problem Based Learning Activities in Health
Inclusive Preferences of Consumers with Cognitive Impairment and Their Caregivers
The Embedded Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Teaching with Outdoor Adventure Activities
Psychosocial Intervention and Referral in Athletics
Top 10 Research to Practice Links Applied to Sport and Physical Education
A Critical Study of Sport in Cinema: An Undergraduate Honors and Graduate Elective Course
Engagement: Students Learning, While Serving, Leading to Research
Living the P.E. Curriculum: Active Minds and Meaningful Motions
Processing and Assessing Adventure-Based Activities During Physical Education
Sport: Looking Back/Looking Forward - The Enduring Cultural Significance
WORDMOVES: A Simple Model for Dance Improvisation
Health Free Communications
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Discover Chicago – Let’s Go Geocaching
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
dance and the Child international (daCi) General Membership Meeting
(Business Meeting) |
2:00 PM - 6:30 PM
AAHPERD Alliance Assembly
(Business Meeting) |