697 Supplementing a Health Curriculum with Web-Based Interventions

Saturday, April 2, 2011: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Convention Center: Room 25ABC
AAHE/Implement Strategies/Interventions/Programs
Presider: Sandy Bargainnier, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Speakers: Kevin Fetty1; Eloise M. Elliott2; and Derek Belcher1, (1)eLearning for Kids, Inc., Athens, WV, (2)West Virginia University, Princeton, WV
Take Charge Be Healthy® is a web-based program that focuses on improving teen’s health through imparting knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors as they relate to physical activity, nutrition, and other health related issues, such as cardiovascular health, obesity, and diabetes. The module seeks to empower students to take responsibility for their own health behaviors through healthy lifestyle choices and education.
  • Take Charge Health Curriculum - E Elliott (AAHPERD 11) final.pdf (11.6 MB)