624 Enhance Academic Achievement with Brain Based Movement Activities

Friday, April 1, 2011: 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Convention Center: Room 33ABC
NASPE/Research/Physical Sciences
Speakers: Lois M. Mauch, Minnesota State University of Moorhead, Wesr Fargo, ND; Ann Goldade, Minnesota State University of Moorhead, Moorhead, MN; and Paola C. Fontana, GeoMotion Group, Inc., Orlando, FL
Medina (2008) & Sousa (2006) cite specific principles regarding how our brains learn. Research in the areas of Neuro Science and Evolutionary Biology support these principles (Ratey, 2008). The GeoMotion Intervention seeks to capture the application of some brain based learning techniques that could demonstrate a powerful educational effect and accelerate the process of learning.
  • AAHPERDAcademicAchMovementBrainDesign.pdf (1.4 MB)
  • Handout for National Presentation.pdf (561.0 kB)