675 K-12 National Dance Educator Presents: "and All That Jazz....Fosse!!"

Saturday, April 2, 2011: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Convention Center: Ballroom 20D
Presider: Karen L. Smith, Washington College, Chestertown, MD
Speaker: Freddie-Lee Heath, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, Raleigh, NC
Come slink, slither and isolate the Fosse Way! DEOY 2010, Freddie-Lee Heath shares the style and history of choreographer Bob Fosse. This high-energy jazz class will include repertoire from "Chicago" and "Dancin'". Students will: * Learn Fosse repetoire * Work on Improv skills * Have a direct link to dance history * Get to dance FOSSE STYLE!! Sponsored by SPORTIME/School Specialty