Method: Researchers used an integrated approach to concept mapping that involved brainstorming, statement analysis and synthesis, sorting and rating of ideas, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis, and development and interpretation of multiple graphic organizers. These steps were delivered in sequential phases using a web-based communication platform: anonymous brainstorming (n=51), sorting and rating of ideas by key stakeholders (n=18), and interpretation of maps through semi-structured interviews (n=3). The participants across all phases included K-12 physical educators, school administrators, and higher education researchers identified through systematic review of the literature and snowball sampling.
Analysis/Results: Data aggregation and analysis were completed using multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis to determine relationships among brainstormed statements. A variety of maps were developed to graphically display these relationships. Five primary clusters of ideas were identified: (1) Teambuilding and Facilitating, (2) Capacity Building, (3) Knowledge of Instructional Practices, (4) Content Knowledge, and (5) Program Development and Management. Data from the semi-structured interviews were analyzed inductively and used to verify results, determine final cluster names, and identify possible implications for teacher preparation.
Conclusions: The findings support the need for the development of transformational leaders in schools who are capable of empowering others through modification of the work environment, facilitating intrinsic motivation among colleagues, and supplying necessary resources. Teacher education and educational leadership programs have an opportunity to help develop transformational leaders in the area of school physical activity by modifying curricula to provide opportunities for pre-service and in-service teachers to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors pre-requisite to the implementation and maintenance of CSPAPs within 21st century school environments.