Method: Participants were 272 5th Chinese graders. They completed a demographic survey, implicit theories of ability in sports, 2x2 achievement goals, and other questionnaires for research purposes in their classroom. All the surveys were translated into Chinese and back-translated into English by the second author (bilingual and affluent in Chinese and English). The translations were also checked by three experts who are affluent in Chinese and English.
Analysis/Results: Correlational analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between implicit theories of ability in sports and 2x2 achievement goals. The entity subscale was dropped from analysis due to low Cronbach’s alpha of .55. The standardized cronbach’s alphas for other scales ranged from .68 to .88. Participants held high incremental views, mastery-approach and performance approach goals. The correlational analysis showed that incremental views were positively related to mastery-avoidance, r(272)=.21, p<.0004, mastery-approach, r(272)=.53, p<.0001, and performance-approach, r(272)=.22, p<.0002.
Conclusions: The findings of this study supported the previously established link between incremental views of ability in sports and dichotomous achievement goals. Additionally, we found that participants with incremental views were likely to adopt performance-approach goals. It is suggested that students who believe in the efficacy of effort can focus themselves on developing both self-referent and normative competence. This study is significant as it lays a foundation to further explore how students who endorse incremental views and pursue performance-approach goals would respond in the face of difficulties.