275 The Core Lifts for Beginning Weight Trainers

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Convention Center: 240–242
Physical Education: K-12 Standards-based Instruction (includes Dance in PE)
Intended Audience: Middle/High
Speakers: Patrick Weed; Corey Berrios; Anthony Lowel; and Wes Katrenya, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT
Participants will experience a detailed breakdown of performance cues for the dead lift, squat, and clean, and a progression of drills for teaching these lifts to beginners in a physical education or athletic setting. The presentation is based on in-depth analysis of each lift with a focus on safety, proper form, helpful performance cues, and teaching tactics. Participants will experience drills and tactics in a hands-on format. Session includes practice in analyzing form and providing corrective feedback. (CEU)
See more of: Physical Education