An Examination of Gender-Biased Communication in Physical Education

Friday, April 4, 2014: 2:15 PM
124 (Convention Center)
Julia A. Valley, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL and Kim C. Graber, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL
Background/Purpose: Physical education remains a male-dominated terrain where gender biases are reproduced and typically unchallenged (Colwell, 1999; Klomsten, Marsh, & Skaalvik, 2005; Messner, 1988, 1990; Scranton, 1990). Under the lens of critical feminist theory, this investigation examined the language and behaviors physical education teachers employ related to gender equity. The specific purpose of the investigation was to determine what teachers know about gender equitable practices and the potential influence of these practices on students, what types of gender bias are demonstrated in the instructional environment through teacher behaviors and verbal and non-verbal communication between teachers and their students, and how teachers are influenced to adopt gender equitable behaviors in the physical education context, and why some teachers elect not to adopt these behaviors.

Method: In order to gain a rich understanding of teachers’ language and behaviors in the physical education setting, a multiple-case study was conducted with three physical education teachers in three separate Midwestern school districts. The investigator conducted persistent observations with each of the teachers for a two-week period. Teachers took part in informal interviews throughout the observation period as well as formal interviews at the beginning and conclusion of the observations.

Analysis/Results: Interview transcriptions, observation logs and class documents were analyzed inductively to establish themes, followed by a deductive analysis using critical feminist theory to reaffirm the inductive reasoning (Patton, 2002). Themes emerged within and across cases revealing the use of gender-biased language and gender segregation in physical education. Teachers, whether explicitly or implicitly, exhibited language and behaviors that condescended to females. Results also indicated a potential relationship between the use of appropriate physical education practices and gender equitable practices. Teachers acknowledged that they received very little training related to gender equitable teaching however; they were not averse to receiving training in the future.

Conclusions: This research contributes to a greater understanding of current physical education practices and the need for a continued effort towards raising awareness about gender equity in physical education. Further investigation into gender equitable teaching is merited with regard to teacher training at both pre-service and in-service levels.