Scheduled for Research Consortium Poster Session: Thematic Physical Education and Physical Activity Instruction and Motivation Posters, Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

A Gender Comparison of Student Coaching During a Unit of Sport Education

Tristan L. Wallhead1, Kimberly A. Bush2 and Jessica Hook2, (1)University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, (2)St. John's School, Houston, TX

Research on Sport Education (Siedentop, 1994) has shown the model to be effective in motivating students to engage in the student-directed tasks of the curriculum (Hastie, 1996). Despite this level of engagement, Alexander and Luckman (2001) found that teachers were critical of students' role performance during Sport Education, especially in relation to the effectiveness of student coaches in facilitating skill development and promoting equity. Further research is required to examine the dynamics of the peer teaching during Sport Education and its effect on equitable participation and peer performance development. The purpose of this study was to use a didactic methodology (Amade-Escot, 2000) to provide a cross-case analysis of a male and female student coach's approaches to the development of floor hockey content and promotion of equitable participation during the peer teaching tasks of a 3rd grade unit of Sport Education. The didactic protocol included collecting data regarding student intentions, actions and interpretations of content learned through the use of lesson observations and participant interviews. Data analysis consisted of the identification of problematic instructional episodes in the teaching-learning process or Critical Didactic Incidents (CDIs) during the peer teaching tasks and a search for configurations in the data across episodes. Results revealed that participants demonstrated a high level of engagement and compliance within the peer teaching tasks. Both male and female coaches were able to facilitate peer learning of basic content including skill cues and team game organization. This finding highlights the potential efficacy for the use of peer teaching pedagogies during earlier Elementary experiences. Cross-case analysis revealed the manifestation of some gender stereotypes by the male coach which inhibited the effective promotion of equitable participation by female peer participants. Teachers utilizing the Sport Education model with Elementary students must, not only adequately prepare the students coaches for the content of tasks by teaching them relevant subject matter knowledge, but also basic pedagogical principles of equitable participation. Potential strategies to achieve this goal could include greater use of group awareness strategies (Hellison, 1998) within peer teaching tasks that foreground social and gender inclusion as a key goal of physical education.
Keyword(s): curriculum, gender issues

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