Economic prosperity and modern technology have raised the quality of life in Taiwan to developed-world levels. And like developed countries around the world, Taiwan has begun to make physical fitness a national priority (Taiwan Time, 2004). According to the government formulated the Challenge 2008 National Development Plan in May 2002, the Executive Yuan stresses that physical health is the foundation for the next generation of society. Promoting health and physical activity is an important goal for the central government. Therefore, this study was design to investigate the status of undergraduate female students' fitness levels, learning motivation, and attitude in school-based physical education programs. Full-time undergraduate female students' in different type of educational system (college vs. institution of technology) in the northern Taiwan were participated in this study. Six-hundred questionnaires were distributed to colleges and institutions of technology in the northern area of Taiwan. Five hundred forty valid questionnaires were returned. Results were compared and grouped in terms of different type of educational systems and desire to take the relate course. A t-test analysis revealed a significant difference between different types of educational system students in fitness levels, learning motivation, and attitude in school-based physical education programs. Female undergraduate students in the college educational system reported a significantly higher fitness levels, learning motivation, and attitude than female undergraduate students in institution of technology educational system. Further the female undergraduate students whose scores higher in the fitness levels, learning motivation, and attitude had higher desire to take physical education course again than female undergraduate students whose scores low. Person Product-Movement Correlation analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between fitness, affect of physical education attitude and behavior relevance. There was also a positive correlation between learning motivation and physical education attitude. Keyword(s): college level issues, exercise/fitness/physical activity