This study examined students’ perceptions of their experiences with The Future Selves Program (FSP). FSP is a theory-driven abstinence-based intervention that features youth development concepts. It is designed to reduce risky behaviors by promoting cognitive development through asset-building skills and opportunities for adolescents to consider their futures’ as they approach adulthood. The intent of the study was to identify participants’ awareness of the FSP, describe their perceptions of program delivery, and to determine what has happened to students as a consequence of the program. Seventy-five sixth, seventh, and eight grade students attending five schools in one rural West Alabama county participated in ten focus groups. Seventy percent were African American, while males and females were equally represented. Results indicated that regardless of grade level, students preferred non-classroom teachers delivering the program. Grade six students were satisfied with curricular activities, while those in grades seven and eight would have liked more activities that focused on career development. Regardless of grade level, students learned to set goals, improved decision- making skills, and learned that behaviors have consequences that affect their futures. Program planners and evaluators should consider student perceptions to better implement and tailor school-based interventions designed to reduce adolescent sexual behaviors and other risky behaviors.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the session, conference attendees will:
1. gain insights about strategies to design more effective abstinence-based programs
2. understand why student perceptions should be considered when developing and tailoring prevention programs that target adolescent sexual behaviors, as well as other risky behaviors