Scheduled for Motor Behavior and Measurement Posters, Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall A

Investigation of Coincidence-Anticipation Timing and Dynamic Visual Acuity in Children

Duane G. Millslagle, University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, MN

Coincidence-anticipation timing (CAT) and dynamic visual acuity (DVA) were measured in 24 children, 10-14 years of age. Both CAT and DVA require the performer to resolve critical detail of a moving target such as a ball thrown to be caught or hit. Researchers (Long & Vogel, 1998; Millslagle, 2000) contend that these similar visual tasks require very different visual processes in college aged students and athletes. This study provided further examination of the researchers contentions about CAT and DVA in children (12 boys; 12 girls). Each child participated in a one-hour experimental session. The DVA task required the child to track an object of a constant size projected on to a curvilinear screen while target speed was manipulated. This new procedure to measure DVA provided a cleaner psychometric assessment and eliminated problems in children?s detection of size and resolution of the target (Long & Johnson, 1996). The instrument used to assess CAT was a curvilinear Bassin anticipation timer newly developed by Lafayette Instruments to provide both constant target size and speed similar to that of the DVA task. The correlation analysis in this study involving children supported the contention that these visual tasks require very different visual processes indicated by a low relationship. The DVA threshold level for boys was significantly better than for girls. CAT performance between boys and girls was not significantly different. Discussion of these results centers on: (1) the contention that the CAT and DVA tasks assumed to be similar may, in fact, involve differing visual processes; (2) the developmental gender differences found in DVA support past research that DVA is by nature and not due to practice or experience; and (3) the utilization of the new DVA procedure and CAT instrument in future research.

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