350 Honoring our Wounded Warriors—Walkers! Rockers! Rollers! Let's Dance

Thursday, March 15, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Convention Center: Ballroom C
Presiders: Gladys M. Keeton, Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX; and Anne M. Stewart, Del Mar College - Professor - Retired, Corpus Christi, TX
Speakers: Gladys M. Keeton, Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX; and Anne M. Stewart, Del Mar College - Professor - Retired, Corpus Christi, TX
This session is dedicated to Wounded Warriors, veterans of all wars, parents and children, teachers and students. Attention will be given to accommodating the height, breadth and abilities of those present and seeking success in social dance. In addition to dancing, the whys and hows of preparing those named above to dance and participate in special events will be addressed.
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