230 Successful Strategies to Implement a Comprehensive Physical Activity Plan

Wednesday, March 14, 2012: 1:45 PM-3:00 PM
Convention Center: Room 206
NASPE/Preschool and Elementary PE
Presider: Mike Mason, Maryland State Department of Education, Baltimore, MD
Speakers: Kathleen M. Wack1; Brenda Tarquinio2; and Christine Folden-Donohue2, (1)West Liberty University, Wheeling, WV, (2)Orchard Grove Elementary School, Frederick, MD
Learn how one increasingly diverse elementary school that had declining test scores (particularly with boys), problems at recess, and rising obesity rates addressed their problems by implementing a comprehensive physical activity program—and gained national attention with their recess running program. Their successful strategies, results, and tips from the trenches will be shared. Other programs such as morning workouts, healthy celebrations, fitness clubs, incentive programs, community partnerships, and classroom movement activities will also be discussed.