Validity of LivePod in Measuring Energy Expenditure of College Students

Wednesday, March 14, 2012: 4:30 PM
Room 205 (Convention Center)
Chen Peiyou1, Zhao Zhuangzhuang1 and Qiu Yuewen2, (1)Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, (2)Yantai Engineering Vocational Technical College, Yantai, China

Background/Purpose LivePod (Lp2) is a new accelerometer developed in China recently, but its accuracy in measuring energy expenditure (EE) has not been experimentally determined. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of Lp2 in measuring EE in college students.

Method 26 college students (14 males and 12 females) aged between 21 and 26 years old were recruited for the study. The Lp2 was compared to EE obtained via a MAX-II system. The subjects were asked to exercise in the following four conditions: Keeping 30 minutes continuous movement on a Mercury treadmill, walking 10 minutes at 4 kph, brisk walking 10 minutes at 6 kph, and running 10 minutes at 8 kph. Their EE during the exercises were measured by a MAX II system and compared with those estimated by Lp2. Data analyses included paired t-test for method difference and Pearson correlations for validity coefficient. Bland and Altman plots were also employed for visual examination.

Analysis/Results There is no statistically significant difference between two methods for each activity (p >.05). EE by Lp2 correlated moderately and highly with that by MAX-II for each activity (r =0.71~0.80). Bland and Altman 95% limits of agreement in kcal/min for each of were as follows: 4 kph (-1.3, 1), 6 kph (-1.2, 1), and 8 kph (-3.6, 0.8).

Conclusions Lp2 could accurately estimate EE of college students in walking or running and its validity in these conditions is confirmed.

  • Validity of LivePod accelerometers in measuring.pdf (1.7 MB)