Active Sport Tourists in the 2009 East Asian Games

Friday, March 16, 2012
Poster Area 1 (Foyer Outside Exhibit Hall C) (Convention Center)
Siu-Yin Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Jennifer Yuen-ming Mak, Marshall University, Huntington, WV and Anthony W. Dixon, Troy University, Troy, AL

Background/Purpose: Active sport tourism is defined as travel away from the home environment to actively participate in sport (Turco, Riley, & Swart, 2002). Gibson (1998) identified a dearth of research focusing on active sport tourists, while sport tourism study is limited in Hong Kong. The purpose of this research was to assess active sport tourists who have participated in the 2009 East Asian Games (EAG). More specifically, the research questions guiding this study were as follows: (1) What were the expenditure pattern? (2) What was the estimated total expenditures?; and (3) What other activities did participants take part during their stay in Hong Kong?

Method: Invitation letters were sent to 22 National Sport Associations in November, 2009 and the EAG office. A total of 140 athletes returned the questionnaires (males = 82, females = 56) with aged ranged between 17 and 47 years old (M=23.12, SD=4.18).

Analysis/Results: Results from the analysis showed that participants spent approximately HK $2,785 during their stay in Hong Kong. The estimated total expenditures for the EAG were HK $5,823,435.00 ($2,785 x 2091). Their top two preferred activities were shopping and dining. Majority of the participants had a good impression of Hong Kong (80.5%); agreed the international image of Hong Kong is enhanced through hosting the EAG (69.9%); and would recommend Hong Kong as a tourist destination (77.4%).

Conclusions: In conclusion, major sport event, such as the EAG would bring active sport tourists to the host city and would contribute to the host city economically.