116 Outdoor Skills Programming for the Health of It!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Convention Center: Room 26A
NASPE/National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Speaker: Jeff Rawlinson, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, NE
Representatives from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conservation Education Strategy will lead a discussion with participants on efforts to institutionalize outdoor skills programming in schools . We will discuss how we can partner with teachers in their efforts to increase youth life skills and activity levels, student health and offset obesity. The program will focus on working with State Fish and Wildlife Agencies in developing and implementing outdoor skill based programs .
  • BenefitsofOutdoorSkills_WhitePaper_11-2010_Final with cover.pdf (500.5 kB)
  • About the CE Strategy-2011_update_3-3-11[1].pdf (1.9 MB)
  • Outdoor Participation Benchmarks.pdf (14.1 kB)
  • AAHPERD Standards-Lessons handout.pdf (37.6 kB)
  • Outdoor Skills Educators.xls (15.6 kB)