429 Building Healthy Bodies to Enhance Learning Via Technology and Partnerships

Thursday, March 31, 2011: 2:45 PM-4:45 PM
Convention Center: Room 32AB
AAPAR/Fitness & Wellness Council
Presider: Martha L. Harris, Fizika Group, LLC, Lancaster, PA
Speakers: Martha L. Harris, Fizika Group, LLC, Lancaster, PA; and Glenna DeJeong, EPEC, Lansing, MI
Gain hands on experience with a web-based solution that makes best practice materials and resources instantly available through an easy to use application that enhances the health outcomes and learning potential of staff, students and their families. Research-based, validated health and physical education curriculum is delivered through a self-paced instructional format that engages students and their families in healthy and active lifestyle behaviors. Interactive communication between parents, students and teachers will be demonstrated.
Involving parents in their children's education in real time