314 Sport & Minority Girls: Implications for Self-Esteem, Victimization, and Violence

Thursday, March 31, 2011: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Convention Center: Room 22
Speakers: Matthew J. Taylor, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO; and Rachel Wamser, University of Missouri- St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Post-Title IX sport research expanded its focus to include women and girls, but often overlooked minorities and those residing in rural areas. This session will be a compendium of commonly-themed studies by the researcher and his team. Focus will be on minority adolescent girls, both rural and urban dwelling, and examine the impact of sports participation on: 1) self-esteem; 2) victimization; 3) violent behaviors; and 4) victimization with multidimensional self-esteem as a mediator.
  • AAPHERD (Spring 2011).pdf (1.9 MB)