321 What Does Cooperation Look/Sound Like? Assessing the Affective Domain

Thursday, March 31, 2011: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Convention Center: Room 25ABC
NASPE/Research/Curriculum and Instruction
Speakers: Suzanne Mueller, East Stroudsburg University, Stroudsburg, PA; and Caroline Kuchinski, East Stroudsburg University, Cresco, PA
The presentation will provide a framework for instruction and assessment of personal and social responsibility to address NASPE Standard 5. Participants will learn how to translate affective qualities (respect, honesty, responsibility, cooperation, teamwork…) into observable behaviors; design physical activity learning experiences and assessments that engage students in the behaviors; and create scoring tools that quantify student achievement.
  • What does cooperation look like sound likeaahperd.ppt (1.9 MB)