702 True AAHPERD: Attending Our First National Conference

Saturday, April 2, 2011: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Convention Center: Room 30C
Presider: Kaitlin Rodriguez, Manhattan College, Dumont, NJ
Speakers: Kara Scanlon, Manhattan College, Scituate, RI; Theresa Anderson, Manhattan College, Bronx, NY; and Jena Belluzzi, Manhattan College, New York, NY
This session will present an undergraduate outlook using flip camera technology to record a first time presentation at a national conference, interviewing historic AAHPERD leaders including noted NAGWS leaders, visiting informational sessions, and so much more. Attendance to this session is essential for Future Professionals in the field to gain insight of professional development opportunities at a national conference. Students from colleges with physical education major programs in New York State will share their experiences.