337 Reducing Health Barriers: The Spirit Campaign of Greater Louisville YMCA

Thursday, March 31, 2011: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Convention Center: Room 25ABC
Presider: Nicholas K. Iammarino, Rice University, Houston, TX
Speakers: Kristina R. Dunham1; Alison Tyler2; and W. Andrew Pierce2, (1)University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, (2)YMCA of Greater Louisville, Louisville, KY
Private fitness facilities may not be located in impoverished areas or provide services to low-income individuals. Non-profit organizations such as the YMCA serve the greater community and may offer reduced fees for those unable to afford membership elsewhere. This presentation describes the Spirit Campaign of the Louisville (KY) YMCA, a fund-raising initiative making membership accessible regardless of ability to pay, ensuring that its programs are available to anyone with an interest in health improvement.
  • Removing Barriers to Health_YMCA_AAHPERD_Dunham.ppt (1.1 MB)