256 (CORRECTION!) Sport History, Philosophy and Sociology Forum: What Are Kids Missing in Contemporary Youth Sport?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011: 3:15 PM-5:15 PM
Convention Center: Room 29B
NASPE/Research/Social Sciences
Presider: Chic Hess, Southwest District AAHPERD, Kailua, HI
Speaker: Robert H. Benham, University of Hawaii - Manoa, Manoa, HI
CORRECTION: This session was mistakenly posted online and in the convention program book as the Sport and Exercise Psychology Forum. SPORT HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY FORUM DESCRIPTION: The way that children spend their free time today has changed dramatically over the past half-century. Child psychologists believe that these changes are altering their cognitive and emotional development. Concomitantly, the nature of American youth sport has also evolved in recent years, becoming ever more adult-centered. Dr. Benham examines youth basketball, and asks if modern youth sport programs can be re-conceptualized in ways that can effectively meet the developmental needs of our children and youth. NOTE: The Sport and Exercise Psychology Forum is actually Session No. 553 (Sport Commitment: Integrating Science and Practice) scheduled on Friday, April 1, 2011 from 10:15 AM-12:15 PM in Convention Center Room 22. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion that this has caused.