763 Strategies for Building a Safe Classroom for Your GLBTQ Students

Saturday, April 4, 2009: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 1-2
Speaker: Lisa A. Pleban, Castleton State College (VT), Castleton, VT
The responsibility for the implementation of an inclusive and safe learning environment presents unique challendges to physical educators and coaches. This interactive session provides educators with insight and packet of resources to make their classroom a safer space for GLBTQ students. Program focus includes the completion of a school inventory, a review of current issues and educational practices, and strategies for developing a welcoming classroom.
  • CA SB71FactSheet.pdf (114.2 kB)
  • familiesHowManyOfUs.pdf (48.6 kB)
  • samplePFLAGSchoolClimateSurvey.pdf (36.2 kB)
  • whatisageappropriate.pdf (82.3 kB)
  • AAHPERD 2009 safe climate for QLBTQ notes.doc (130.5 kB)