277Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3:15 PM-5:15 PMTampa Convention Center:14
NASPE/Research/Physical Sciences
Overview of Developmental Movement and Suggestions for an Authentic Future
CEU OPPORTUNITY: Motor skill acquisition research in the United States evolved from five university-based longitudinal studies of physical growth and biological maturation in infants and children. The investigators were primarily interested in the association between growth, nutrition, intelligence and academic achievement. Decades of research and the failure to formally identify content and areas of expertise have placed motor developmental specialists in ancillary positions as academia deals with problems in curriculum, youth sports, leisure activities and fitness.
Keyword(s): motor skills, research
Presider: David F. Stodden, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Speaker: Vern Seefeldt, Michigan State University- Retired, East Lansing, MI

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