Scheduled for Measurement Symposium: Essentials and Process in Scale Development–A Tutorial, Friday, April 28, 2006, 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: 151ABC

Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Tutorial

Jianmin Guan, Texas-San Antonio/Univ Of, San Antonio, TX

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), an important and useful means in the investigation of underlying constructs and their observed indicators, is endorsed by more and more scholars. However, most of the published books regarding CFA procedures are so mathematically oriented that those researchers lacking mathematical backgrounds may not be able to use these methods in their research. The primary purpose of this presentation is to provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to conduct a CFA; how to use CFA to determine whether the measurement model provides a good fit to the data; and how to use modification indices to develop a better-fitting model when necessary. Additionally, estimation methods, the type of goodness-fit indices, the necessary conditions for performing CFA, and some common mistakes in published studies will be reviewed and discussed.
Keyword(s): . NA

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