Scheduled for Measurement Symposium: Essentials and Process in Scale Development–A Tutorial, Friday, April 28, 2006, 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: 151ABC

Contemporary Procedures for Formulating Factors and Items

James J. Zhang, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

The purpose of this presentation is to examine contemporary procedures for formulating factors and items when developing scales in the affective domain. An overview of contemporary measurement issues related to scale development will be first made by discussing the importance of sound measurement procedures, the necessity of a clearly defined reasoning process, and common criteria used to judge a preliminary scale. Extensive discussions will be made on the following procedures to generate factors and items: (a) review of the literature, (b) interviews, (c) observations, (d) open-ended surveys, (e) case studies, (f) the Delphi technique, and (g) application of qualitative research procedures. To test the content validity of the preliminary scale, traditional and contemporary approaches will be introduced. While traditional approaches have focused on the process of expert panels, contemporary approaches focus more on the constructs and simultaneously evaluate various aspects of content validity. Strengths and weaknesses of these approaches will be analyzed. Examples from recently published measurement studies will be presented.
Keyword(s): . NA

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