Scheduled for Research Consortium Pedagogy II Poster Session, Thursday, April 27, 2006, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

Modified Delphi Investigation of Exercise Science in Physical Education Teacher Education

Sean M. Bulger and Lynn Dale Housner, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

As physical education teacher educators experiment with alternative pedagogical approaches to bridge the gap between subdisciplinary theory and professional practice, the need for enhanced multi-disciplinary research and communication continues. The purpose of this study was to determine the critical exercise science competencies, and associated instructional methods, that are recommended for inclusion in the physical education teacher education undergraduate curriculum. An initial list of theoretical and applied exercise science competencies was constructed using the knowledge, skills, and abilities recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine for individuals working in the field of exercise science. The two-round, modified Delphi procedure involved the repeated circulation of this questionnaire to a small panel of content experts. Experts in the field of physical education, including exercise science specialists, physical education teacher educators, and physical education teachers, were sampled to determine which theoretical and applied exercise science competencies are critical for the preparation of prospective physical educators. The Delphi panel members were required to rate each questionnaire item in terms of its theoretical importance and pedagogical relevance using a five-point Likert scale. The data collected during the second round of questioning were employed to provide a final measure of consensus regarding the critical strength of each exercise science competency. An item had to meet the following criteria in order to be considered of both critical importance and relevance: (a) the item received a mean rating of at least four or higher in the areas of importance and relevance; and (b) the item received at least 75% of all individual ratings at the four level or higher. Any item that failed to meet these criteria was considered to be non-critical. The Delphi panel members were also asked to complete an addendum survey concerning their recommendations regarding the four most effective instructional methods for the delivery of exercise science to prospective physical education teachers. The results of this scholarly process, which includes a final list of recommended exercise science competencies and instructional methods, have provided a conceptual framework upon which physical education teacher educators can make future curricular decisions in the area of exercise science. The discussion focuses on possible solutions to the numerous challenges associated with preparing prospective physical educators in exercise science including modifications to traditional course content, the use of alternative instructional approaches, and suggested guidelines for preparing doctoral students in subdisciplinary areas commonly associated with physical education.
Keyword(s): college level issues, curriculum development, professional preparation

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