Scheduled for Sociocultural Symposium: Students’ Motivations and Attitudes Regarding Academic and Athletic Achievement, Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM, Convention Center: 150DEF

Stereotypic Imaging of African American Athletes

Samuel Hodge1, Joe Burden2 and Leah E. Robinson1, (1)The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, (2)Kean University, Union, NJ

For decades and still today, lingering stereotypic beliefs about African Americans depict them as athletically superior while intellectually inferior to Whites (Miller, 1998; Wiggins, 1989). This old race-based paradox has present day implications. Thus it is crucial that physical educators, coaches, and other sport professionals understand how prevalent race-sport stereotypes can impact the aspirations of youth toward or away from varied athletic pursues often at the expense of their academic success. To that end, we engage the audience in discourse on stereotypic imaging of African American athletes in sports. In doing so, we elaborate on historical and contemporary issues (racial, legal, moral, social, cultural, economical, and psychological) in sport and society that influence African American and other youth to participate in selected sport activities. Implications and future challenges around these issues are discussed for teachers, coaches, and other sport professionals (e.g., athletic directors, sport agents, journalists) as they assume responsibility for teaching, coaching, administering, marketing, and reporting on sport.
Keyword(s): . NA

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