587Friday, April 15, 2005

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:N139
NASPE/Youth Sports Coalition
Tackling the Problem of Youth Sportsmanship: Two Programming, Management, and Policy Tools For Youth Sport Administrators
The session will provide a description of two tools that youth sports administrators may use to promote sportsmanship in leagues sponsored by their organizations. The first is the "Justplay" program.  Justplay monitors the behavior of coaches, spectators, and players of youth team sports, on a game-by-game basis. Reports generated by the program empower youth sport administrators to make data-driven staffing and policy decisions regarding any action or inaction that may be necessary to anticipate, avoid, or respond to problematic behavior among coaches, parents, and participants. The second tool that will be described is the "Play hard, Play fair, Play fun" program.  Based on proscocial behavior theory, PHPFPF provides specific actions that sport administrators may take to "animate" youth sport environments in ways that promote sportsmanship and fun.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, recreation programming, youth sports
Increasing Sportsmanship and Fun in Youth Sports
Gary D. Ellis1, Karen P. Paisley1, Mary Sara Wells1, Skye Arthur-Banning1 and Hester Henderson2, (1)University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (2)University of Utah, UT
Justplay - Behavior Management Tool For Youth Sport Administrators
Elaine V Raakman, Justplay Sports Services, Ontario, ON, Canada

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