Scheduled for Walk This Way: Pedometer Guidelines, Research, and Applications, Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, Convention Center: E352

Pedometer Applications for Increasing the Physical Activity Levels of Youth

Robert P. Pangrazi, Arizona State University, AZ

This section of the symposia will focus on practical approaches for using pedometers in a variety of settings to promote physical activity levels of youth. A number of lesson plan approaches will be offered including topics such as calibrating the pedometer for each youngster, learning to check the accuracy of the pedometer, and learning to estimate distance covered in number of steps and elapsed time. Procedures for storing, distributing, and maintaining pedometers in the school setting will be integrated into the presentation. Participants will learn to find their baseline activity level, set personal step and activity goals, and estimate distance covered using stride length. Programs that have been successful in helping students become more active will also be discussed and demonstrated including the Promoting Lifestyle Activity for Youth (PLAY), the President’s Council’s Active Lifestyle Award, and the Walk4Life “Walk Smart” web-based program. All of these programs involve monitoring physical activity levels using pedometers.
Keyword(s): elementary education, physical activity, technology

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