Scheduled for Special Populations Symposium—Test Accommodations for Individuals With Disabilities, Friday, April 2, 2004, 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM, Convention Center: 208

Test Students With Disabilities Using TGMD

Dale A. Ulrich, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

The Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd edition; TGMD-2) is one of the most commonly used test batteries for assessing children's gross motor function. The TGMD-2 is made up of 12 skills. Using the TGMD-2, the examiner could obtain standard scores, percentile scores, age equivalents, and a Gross Motor Quotient if both subtests are completed. The TGMD-2 could also assist the examiner in identifying children who are significantly behind their peers and who may be eligible for special education services in physical education. A very brief summary will be presented on the directions for administering and scoring the TGMD-2 for the purpose of making eligibility decisions for adapted physical education. Strategies for using the TGMD-2 with children with various disabilities will be presented including methods of monitoring progress following periods of individualized instruction without the use of the national standardized norms. Emphasis will be placed on modifying the test items and using the absolute locomotor or object control scores rather than the normative scores.
Keyword(s): adapted physical activity, assessment, measurement/evaluation

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