Scheduled for Pedagogy and Special Populations Posters, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

Identifying Issues Affecting the Future of Disability and Sport: A Delphi Study

Barbara Wilhite, Mason Peebles and John R. Collins, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

The purpose of this study was to identify the most important issues affecting the future of disability sport from the perspective of athletes and staff. Participants in this study consisted of athletes and staff (coaches, team support personnel, officials) participating in the 2002 Paralympic Swimming World Championships held in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Purposive sampling was used to select study participants for a three phase Delphi approach. Phase One consisted of 64 personal interviews that allowed respondents to identify up to six issues, which they feel may influence the future of disability sport. Data were synthesized into 19 issues and then reviewed for content and clarity by a panel of experts. Phase Two, which contained the 19 issues and their respective frequencies and percentages, was then administered over the Internet and pilot-tested to insure content clarity and ease of navigation. Thirty-two of the original sixty-four (50%) subjects participated in this phase and were asked to rate each issue on a five-point Likert-type scale from 1=least important to 5=most important. Additional comments and new issues were also solicited during this phase. Phase Three was also administered over the Internet and contained 23 issues (the original 19 issues plus 4 new issues identified during Phase Two) along with their respective mean, mode, and range for each of the original 19 issues. Twenty-four of the thirty-two (75%) subjects participated in this round, which required them to reevaluate and justify their responses to each issue. Finally, in an effort to validate the significance of each issue, participants were also asked to rank the top 5 most important issues. The study was approved by the IPC Sport Council and by the University of North Texas Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects. Paired samples T-tests were used to identify significant differences between the means for each issue from Phase Two to Phase Three. These results produced only one significant difference among the 19 issues. T-tests were also used to identify significant differences across issues in Phase Two and Phase Three based on gender, age (dichotomized), years of participation (dichotomized), and athlete/staff role. Ranking of the top five issues by each participant greatly reflected the group mean ranking for each issue. Results from this study indicate that participants approached a greater level of consensus after each of the three rounds were completed.
Keyword(s): adapted physical activity, olympic related, sport management

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