Scheduled for Pedagogy and Sociocultural Posters, Friday, April 2, 2004, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

Analysis of Stages of Exercise Change for University Students in Taiwan

I-Wei Shang, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan

The purpose of the study was to understand stages of exercise change from Taiwanese university students. Additionally, the study was also to analyze determinants, values and barriers of physical activity among genders, living areas and stages of exercise change. The four questionnaires were utilized to collect data including:(1) Stages of Exercise Change Scale; (2) Determinants of Physical Activity Questionnaire; (3) Values of Physical Activity, and (4) Barriers of Physical Activity Questionnaire. There were 213 university students randomly selected from Dong-Hwa University and Da-Yeh University to participate in this study. The three statistical methods were utilized as following: (1) Descriptive statistics; (2) t-test; (3) One-way ANOVA. The results were as following: (1) Stages of exercise change from Taiwanese university students was found that 27.1% students in precontemplation and contemplation, 25.7% students in action and maintenance. The most of students(46.7%) were in preparation. (2) Significant difference found in self-confidence, friends support, self-motivation, physical activity ability competence and physical activity attitude between genders. There were no significant difference in parental support and physical activity enjoyment. In addition, values and barriers of physical activity were found no significant difference between genders. (3) For living areas, significant differences found in parental support, self-motivation, physical activity ability competence, and physical activity enjoyment. No significant difference were found in self-confidence, friends support and physical activity attitude. In addition, there was significant difference in values of physical activity; (4) Self-confidence, parental support, friends support, self-motivation, physical activity ability competence, physical activity attitude and physical activity enjoyment were found significant difference among stages of exercise change. In addition, values and barriers of physical activity were also found significant difference among stages of exercise change.
Keyword(s): college level issues, exercise/fitness, international issues

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