Friday, March 20, 2015: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Convention Center: 303
Sport: Coaching
Intended Audience: Middle/High, Post Secondary Student
Speakers: | Pete Van Mullem, Lewis-Clark State College (ID), Lewiston, ID; and John Helion, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA |
Coaches frequently discover that parents are the most contentious and often present one of the greatest challenges in leading their team (Brown, 2003). Therefore, the coach must find a way to effectively communicate with parents to increase the likelihood that sport participation is a positive experience for the student-athlete. Identifying seven types of parents commonly found in sport, the purpose of this session is to provide participants effective strategies for communicating with parents in sport.
Effective Strategies for Communicating With Parents in Sport
A Coach's Guide for Dealing With Parents
See more of: Sport