222 The Social Side of PE: Respectful Rhythms 'Round the Globe

Wednesday, March 18, 2015: 3:15 PM-5:15 PM
Convention Center: 615-617
Physical Education: K-12 Standards-Based Instruction in Physical Education (includes Dance in PE)
Intended Audience: K-12
Presider: Mario Reyna, McAllen Independent School District, McAllen, TX
Speaker: Wendy Guess, McAllen Independent School District, McAllen, TX
When does 1 + 2 equal 4? When you put Respectful Rhythm dances in the National Standards. Physically literate individuals who learn movement patterns (#1) applied in a variety of concepts and strategies (#2) exhibit social/respectful behavior (#4). Join Dance Educator of the Year (2007) for a social and cultural dance unit called Respectful Rhythms. You will leave with everything you need to implement a successful dance unit aligned with National Standards.
  • STEPS-Dances from Mexico.pdf (110.8 kB)
  • Respectful Rhythm Cards.pdf (206.9 kB)
  • Respectful Rhythm Handouts.pdf (305.0 kB)
  • See more of: Physical Education