251 Yard Games With Health and Skill-Related Fitness Fun for Everyone

Thursday, March 19, 2015: 7:30 AM-8:45 AM
Convention Center: 602-604
Physical Education: K-12 Standards-Based Instruction in Physical Education (includes Dance in PE)
Intended Audience: K-12
Speaker: Jessica Shawley, Moscow Middle School, Moscow, ID
Yard games are popular lifetime activity choices that promote social responsibility and leisure for wellness. This activity session for K-12 educators shares how to integrate recreational yard games into the curriculum and how they can be pumped up using creative strategies to provide health and skill-related fitness benefits as well. Learn how to successfully utilize yard games as part of the curriculum, for recess or lunchtime options and at family fitness nights. Guaranteed fitness fun.
  • Shawley.Yard Games Rules Packet.2015 SHAPE.pdf (5.8 MB)
  • Yard Games Session Handout.Shawley.SHAPE 2015.pdf (673.0 kB)
  • See more of: Physical Education