210 The Long-Term Coaching Development Model and Your Coaching Philosophy

Wednesday, March 18, 2015: 3:00 PM-3:50 PM
Convention Center: 606
Sport: Coaching
Intended Audience: Middle/High, K-12
Speakers: Michael B. Phillips, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN; and R. Michael Cathey, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN
Coaching philosophies provide expectations for behaviors that reflect the priorities and values of the coach (NASPE, 2006). This session will focus on how coaches can develop and create their philosophy based on their values and its’ importance for Long-Term Coach Development (LTCD). This presentation will help coaches identify and rank their own value system, explain the LTCD and how their philosophy is dynamic as well as help coaches develop a working coaching philosophy in 12 steps.
  • Shape America 2015 Handout.pdf (440.7 kB)
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