Method: Participants (N=655;321 girls and 334 boys) were enrolled from different departments in a university located in a central region of China. The purpose of the study was explained to students to obtain permission to conduct the investigation. The PACES was distributed to freshmen and sophomores in the P.E.class. The PACES was translated and adapted to the Chinese population by using the back translation technique. The Chinese version PACES consisted of 18 items using bipolar statements (e.g., I feel bored-I feel interested) with a 5-point Likert scale. Both positive and negative items were used in the scale and negative items were reversely coded so that a higher score represented more enjoyment.
Analysis/Results: The Cronbach’s alpha for the Chinese version of PACES was .91,indicating good internal consistency. As described earlier,Motl et al(2000) assumed a two-factor solution results from positive and negatively worded items.Crocker(1995) and Ke(2014) thought the scale measure both antecedents of enjoyment and the perception of enjoyment. To test these hypotheses, three models were analysed by AMOS. The CFA indicated that Model 1,which represents unidimensional structure, provided a best fit to the date(i.e., CFI=.89,GFI=.91, AGFI =.93, and RSMEA=.053).
Conclusions: The Chinese version of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale is sufficiently reliable and valid to be used for Chinese college students. The finding supported the unidimensional structure of PACES.