Method: A national (n = 621) and regional (n = 225) sample of female collegiate athletes (N = 846) concurrently completed the Heterosexist Attitudes in Sport – Lesbian scale (HAS-L; Mullin, 2013) and a demographic questionnaire online or via paper and pencil. A 3 (Division) x 2 (Sport Type) MANOVA and a 3 (Political Affiliation) x 2 (Ethnicity) x 3 (Sexual Orientation) MANOVA were conducted. The four subscales of the HAS-L were the dependent variables: Cognitive/Affective (C/A), Language Behaviors (LB), Inclusion Behaviors (IB), and Avoidance of the Lesbian Label (ALL).
Analysis/Results: No significant first order or second order interactions were found. A significant main effect for Sport Type was found [Λ = .99, F (4, 724) = 4.37, p < .05, partial η2 = .02]. Team sport athletes reported significantly higher heterosexist LB than individual sport athletes (F = 16.05, p < .05). A significant main effect for Division was found [Λ = .97, F (12, 1915.82) = 1.90, p < .05, partial η2 = .01]. Division I athletes reported significantly higher heterosexist C/A, LB, and ALL attitudes than Divisions II and III. No significant main effect was found for ethnicity. A significant main effect for political affiliation was found [Λ = .93, F (8, 678) = 3.05, p < .05, partial η2 = .04]. Conservatives reported significantly higher heterosexist C/A (F = 8.42, p = <.05) and ALL (F = 4.86, p < .05) attitudes. A significant main effect for sexual orientation was found [Λ = .94, F (4, 338) = 5.16, p < .05, partial η2 = .06]. Individuals self-reporting as exclusively heterosexual or “1” on the Kinsey scale reported significantly higher C/A heterosexist attitudes than those reporting as “2” or higher.
Conclusions: Attitudinal differences were found in sport type, division, political affiliation, and sexual orientation. Significant differences were most frequently found on the C/A and LB subscales. Coaches, administrators, and sports psychologists should consider education through appropriate use of language and debunking stereotypes when educating their athletes on heterosexism to create a more inclusive environment.