442 Addressing Diversity in Physical Activity and Sport

Friday, April 4, 2014: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Convention Center: 124
Research: N/A
Intended Audience: Post Secondary Instructor/Faculty
Presider: Michelle E. Moosbrugger, Springfield College, Springfield, MA
This session features oral presentation of research studies that address diversity in physical activity and sport from various perspectives.
Relationship of Heterosexism and Team Cohesion in Women's Collegiate Athletics
Elizabeth M. Mullin, Springfield College, Springfield, MA
Athletic Identity and Academic Self-Concept in Adolescent Basketball Campers
Louis Harrison1, Martin Smith1, Langston Clark2, Albert Bimper3, Paul Robbins1, Ikoyi Miller1, Xiaofen Keating1 and Jonathan Cosgrove1, (1)The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, (2)The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, (3)Colorado State University, Denver, CO
Slaps to the Face: KINE Graduate Students Experiences With Microaggressions
Jared A. Russell1, Michelle Vaughn1 and Asherah Blount2, (1)Auburn University, Auburn, AL, (2)Morehouse College, Auburn, AL
See more of: Research