400 (Secondary PE Day) Tic Tac TOYs

Friday, April 4, 2014: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Convention Center: 221/222/227/228
Physical Education: K-12 Standards-based Instruction (includes Dance in PE)
Intended Audience: Middle/High, K-12
Speakers: Jason Busche, Anthony Elementary/Middle School, Anthony, KS; Andrea McMurtry, Fishers Junior High, Fishers, IN; Jason Broussard, Iberia Middle School, New Iberia, LA; and Susan Toth, Tenafly Middle School, Tenafly, NJ
The 2013 AAHPERD Middle School Teachers of the Year will provide you with innovative ways to motivate your students to get active and stay fit. We will provide an assessment tool that can be modified for any type of unit. Get prepared to dance, practice martial arts, try Indo boards and see great peer assessment techniques that are perfect for middle school. A must see if you need get excited about doing what you love. (CEU)
  • Improvisational Sports Dance handout.docx (50.0 kB)
  • AAHPERD tic tac TOY.docx (510.8 kB)
  • AAHPERD tic tac toy power point.pptx (78.5 kB)
  • See more of: Physical Education