333 Double Dutch Fun for PE and the Playground

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Convention Center: 221/222/227/228
Jump Rope For Heart / Hoops For Heart:
Intended Audience: K-12
Speaker: Elizabeth A. Way, Jumprope.com, Dundas, ON, Canada
Double-dutch is an activity that is fun, keeps youth physically active, and promotes teamwork as well as communication. And double-dutch can be performed by people of all ages and abilities! Help your students become successful by learning cuing for skills in the ropes and turning. These skills transfer well to the playground, thereby encouraging further physical activity. Modifications to the activities will be shown to include students who have special needs. (CEU)
  • revisedAAHPERD 2014.pdf (94.9 kB)