Standard Setting of Kick Intensity for Scoring Decision in Taekwondo

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Exhibit Hall Poster Area 1 (Convention Center)
Minsoo Jeon, Min-Su Jeon, Chang-Hwan Choi, Jungjae Lee, Won-Chung Chung and Jae-Hyeon Park, Korea National Sport University, Seoul, South Korea

Before the introduction of electronic protective gears, the scoring decision in Taekwondo was determined by referee's subjective judgments. As the electronic protective gears detecting kick intensity were adopted, standards of kick intensity for scoring decision have been required. The purpose of this study is to set the criterion referenced standard of kick intensity for scoring decision in Taekwondo.


The data regarding the kick intensity as well as the match records from 317 men’s' matches in 2012 Korea University Taekwondo Federation Tournament were collected. Pin, Light and Heavy weight class were randomly selected. For criterion referenced standards, the group was classified as kick intensity was upper 50 percentile and lower 50 percentile, according to the expert’s determination. MS-Excel and EasyOZ (Park, 2007) were applied to set standards based on criterion group for kick intensity. Based on the intersection of distribution for upper 50% and lower 50%, the potential cut-off score was derived from three figures located at the approximation around the intersection. In order to decide the cut-off on kick intensity, probability for accuracy of classification (AC) and validity coefficient (VC) were applied.


The cut-off score for kick intensity which was set by the weight class were determined; 25kg for pin, among 23kg(AC=.64, VC=.28), 24kg(AC=.64, VC=.29) and 25kg(AC=.64, VC=.30), 27 kg for light, among 26kg(AC=.61, VC=.24), 27kg(AC=.61, VC=.26) and 28kg(AC=.61, VC=.26), and 30kg for heavy, among 28kg(AC=.62, VC=.24), 29kg(AC=.62, VC=.26) and 30kg(AC .63, VC .29).


In conclusion, the criterion referenced standard for kick intensity in Taekwondo, using electronic protective gears, should be set differently by the weight class. This study is expected to contribute to a valid standard of Taekwondo.