0 Walk4Life: Improving Physical Education Through Technology and Grants

Thursday, March 31, 2011: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Convention Center: Ballroom 20A
Come experience the challenge that was taken to increase physical activity in PE classes and decrease childhood obesity by Cindy Ferek and Amy Wheeler (Turner Ashby High School and Harrisonburg High School), recipients of the Walk4Life/VAHPERD Pedometer Video Grant. Learn about the necessary steps taken to achieve an award winning pedometer grant, participate in the winning lesson plan, and learn how you can obtain grant monies to improve physical activity in your school. Also introduced is Walk4Life’s Newest MVPA pedometer (step, mile, activity, moderate, and vigorous time) equipped with the latest piezo-technology recording mechanism. This New MVPA pedometer allows for a 30 degree tilt (belly heavy) making the unit nearly 100% accurate. Adjustable thresholds and timed physical activity allow for all age groups to capture their intensity and duration in all three zones; normal, moderate, and vigorous.