High School Nurses' Provision of Education/Referrals for Emergency Contraceptive Pills

Friday, April 1, 2011
Exhibit Hall Poster Area 2 (Convention Center)
Susan K. McCarthy, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Purpose: This study examined high school nurses' provision of education and referrals for Emergency Contraceptive Pills (EC Pills). Also assessed were education and referral methods as well as perceived benefits of and barriers to providing these services.

Significance: EC Pills can reduce pregnancy risk from unprotected vaginal intercourse when taken within the recommended time frame. High school nurses could help increase students' awareness, access and use of EC Pills through education and referrals.

Procedures: A three-wave mail survey of 1,285 high school nurses nationwide was conducted during spring and summer of 2010. 766 of the selected participants responded (59.6%) however, 128 of these respondents did not meet the inclusion criteria that required them to work in a school that included grades 10-12. These respondents were excluded from the data analysis along with 9 other respondents who returned incomplete surveys. Frequencies, chi-square, and logistic regression are being used for the statistical analysis of the data. Findings: I am currently conducting the data analysis of this research study as data collection was not completed until mid-summer 2010. Data analysis will be completed for the poster session and the statistical results reported in it. Frequencies will be reported for the provision of education and referrals for EC Pills, types of educational and referral methods, as well as perceived benefits and barriers to service provision. Associations of service provision status in relation to perceived benefits and barriers will be reported as will associations between service provision status and select school characteristics.

Conclusions: Based on the findings, recommendations will be made to increase services and decrease barriers to them. Prior to undertaking this study, a comprehensive search of the professional literature had not identified any published studies related to high school nurses and EC Pills in the United States, so this study serves as a starting point and possible impetus for further research on this issue.

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