Using Photovoice Methodology to Examine Black Female College Students' Perspectives

Friday, April 1, 2011
Exhibit Hall Poster Area 2 (Convention Center)
Kathleen G. Allison, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA
Photovoice methodology is a community-based participatory research method increasingly being used in the field of health education. The methodology promotes critical dialogue of issues and concerns and influences social change. “Our View”, a descriptive research project utilizing focus group and photovoice methodologies, was designed to examine the factors that influence the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of Black female students at a small, rural, predominantly White university. During the one semester pilot project, the research participants photographed experiences relating to their health. The women then documented their perspectives on the intrapersonal, campus and community factors that enhance and inhibit their health and success as university students. In a concluding activity, the research participants presented the issues of concern and pride to university and community policy makers to promote environmental supports for success. The results of this project are serving as a foundation for further investigation of influences on the health of minority, university students as well as providing input on campus programming that promotes retention and success of students. This presentation will overview the struggles and successes of the research project. A preview of the participants' work will also be shown.