Moodle, Wiki, Google Oh My! What Does This All Mean

Saturday, April 2, 2011: 7:50 AM
Room 26A (Convention Center)
Cynthia Proscia, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, Dr. Shannon Whalen, Springfield College, Springfield, MA and Sara Giaimo, P.S. 101, Forest Hills, NY
The ability to integrate media and technology in a lesson is not the challenge. We can come up with the ideas, even learn how to use a Smart Board, or Google Sites but how do we impact student learning? Are the students really educated or just entertained? How do we instill differential learning? Modifications – can we do that we technology? Many students are hesitant to speak up in front of a class but put them into a Blog, Wiki or discussion forum and you have a student who participates more than ever. You may have students who cannot grasp concepts, with the interaction and images of a Smart Board, this same student is able to not only take part in their own education but formulate questions and opinions about these topics.

The three presenters have been using technology in their classrooms for many years in their elementary to higher education class rooms. Many times it has been challenging, our brilliant ideas did not turn out as great as we had hoped, and maybe even at times the technology took over the learning. We are able to demonstrate our tried and true techniques in relation to health. We will provide class examples of lessons, results with student artifacts, examples, and demonstrations of the most current and edutaining technology. It is moving so fast sometimes, it is hard to keep up but when we work as a team and share our ideas, it makes it so much more fun.