294Thursday, March 18, 2010

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:Wabash BR 3
NASPE/K-12 PE Administration
Issues in Staff Development: Adoption of Evidence-Based Physical Education
Staff development is essential to the continued development of physical educators. Health-related physical education (HRPE) programs have been developed and studied (i.e., evidence-based) in an effort to reduce sedentary living, but are not widely adopted. This session describes (a) background on HRPE and research on one program [SPARK-Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids], (b) marketing efforts to disseminate that program nationally, and (c) teacher and principal perceptions related to the adoption of evidence-based programs.
Keyword(s): advocacy, curriculum and instruction, elementary issues
Presider: Thomas L. McKenzie, San Diego State University, Emeritus, San Diego, CA
Speakers: Thomas L. McKenzie, San Diego State University, Emeritus, San Diego, CA; and Monica Lounsbery, University Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
Introduction and Background on HRPE and SPARK Research
Thomas L. McKenzie, San Diego State University, Emeritus, San Diego, CA
Disseminating HRPE Nationally through Staff Development
Paul Rosengard, The SPARK Programs, San Diego, CA
School Adoption of Evidence-Based Physical Education
Monica Lounsbery, University Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV

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