147Tuesday, March 13, 2007

12:00 PM-1:00 PMConvention Center:315
Commercial Presentation: Tchoukball: New, Exciting, Vigorous, and Fun
Learn something new and exciting that promotes physical activity and the development of social skills and strategies within an enjoyable and positive social environment. Seeking a vigorous activity that does not exclude participants, but allows everyone to participate within his/her abilities without interference from other players? Tchoukball is the answer! It is a vigorous game that helps students become better team players and more considerate of classmates. Tchoukball meets the National Standards for Physical Education. Get into the action! Do something different. Join the session, and leave enthusiastic about how tchoukball could become part of your program.
Keyword(s): NA
Speaker: Pierre-Alain Girardin, Tchoukball, Inc, Bellevue, WA

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